
Saturday, 15 November 2014

Multi-Disciplinary Team

Sometimes I feel like I have a little team of people in my head, all of whom have different roles. 

With one person, I'm like a counsellor, with another, I'm like a doctor and with another I'm like a person who is always there for them. 

I'm always that person who people can come to. I always ask people how they are and what have they been up to at the weekend- but nobody EVER asks me. 

I think this is partly my own fault, because "I'm always okay". Well, that's what people think anyway. I'm headstrong and I'm aware of my own thoughts and feelings. I speak what I feel to a few select people (my boyfriend and good friend). I keep it hidden from my mum, she has her own mind to deal with. 

My mum has bipolar disorder, and I'm basically her free 24/7 counsellor. I don't mind. I'm probably the only person who can relate to her/understand what she means. I wish I could help her. One day I will. 

Sometimes I feel undervalued as a person. 

I work at my university as a support worker for students with disabilities. I study full time on a psychology course. I volunteer for two different charities. I'm a good person and I'm always looking to help people. 

I feel sometimes like I can't do anymore. 

I don't expect much. But sometimes I'd like if when I ask somebody how they are they say "yeah I'm fine, how are you and how was your weekend?" 

Does anybody else ever feel like this?

I felt like I needed to write this for myself. To just get my feelings out. I don't go to other people to talk about stuff like this because I don't see the point. They can never say anything. 


  1. I totally understand what you mean 100% My mum has fibromyalgia so I have to be there for her if she needs me too. It's very difficult but life's like a mirror. You spread warmth, love and kindness and it radiates back! xx

    1. I couldn't agree with you more:) I think the hardest thing is when people don't understand so it's always nice to know that there are others out there who know what it's like! I hope you and your mum are okay:) xx
