
Sunday 5 April 2015

Future Goals

I haven't felt like writing anything for a while as I've been so busy with university and other things but I wanted to jot down my goals so I can look back on this when I start to lose my way a bit. 

1. Graduate from my undergraduate course with a first or a high 2:1. (Preferably the first; definitely do-able, I just need to get my head down!) 

2. Get a job as a Research Assistant or as an Assistant Psychologist. (With the experience i'm building up now, this is definitely do-able but i'm not sure how ready I am for such a big role yet, but I have a year to prepare myself!)

3. Gain a place on a MSc Clinical Applications to Psychology course. (Hopefully if I get the job I want, they'll pay for my masters for me!)

4. Go to Disneyland in Florida. (I've wanted to go since I was little and I want to go on my own before I have children- even though that's ages away!)

5. Save up and move in with my boyfriend! (We've wanted to move in together for ages but credit ratings and finances are not working with us!)

6. Learn how to drive. (I definitely need to learn but it's scary and expensive waa.)

7. Train as a hypnotherapist. (Expensive waaa.)

8. Travel around the world a bit more!

and here come the generic ones...

9. Have babies and get married (in the very distant future!)

10. I'd also like to go rock climbing or something like that. (I find it really scary lol.)

What are some of your future goals?

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